Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A New Revolution

Scott Price CEO of UNIR1
I am a fulltime musician in Upstate, NY and used to do anywhere from 175 to 220 gigs a year. I am also a multi musician who plays drums, guitar, bass, keyboards and I sing. Guitar is my forte. I track all my instruments together and play covers & original at various venues. Like most of you, I burn my own CD’s, print my own labels, make my own jewel cases, construct a beautiful CD cover and do this perhaps with a few other of my friends or family to produce about 500 of them. I make up my very own business cards with my name & my logo on there if I choose, and I’ve got all my PA gear and guitar packed up in my truck and ready to go.

When I arrive at the gig, I unpack the gear; set it all up and run a sound check just before I go on. From there I get ready for the gig, change my clothes, get my “Rockstar” garb on with my guitar in my hand and take the stage. During intermission, I meet and greet people. I receive compliments from the audience and asked if I have a business card and a CD for sale. Sometimes I’m asked, “How much do you charge?”
and I get another gig out of it as well.

At the end of my performance, I put my roadie clothes back on and pack up the truck. Oh yeah, one more thing. Go see the owner of the club to get paid for my gig. Gee, I love music so much that I almost forgot to get paid!

I am the chief, cook & bottle wash of my own musical business. I am the artist, the band, the record label and the producer, the promoter, the distributor, the graphics art designer, the website builder, the manager, the marketer, the bus, the roadie, the sound crew, the lights and my fiancé Deborah Flansburg aka Blondiepie is holding the camera taking pictures of me and the crowd while making friends with total strangers she meets at the gig.

I think all of you know exactly where I am coming from. The bottom line is that I am doing what I love to do which is music and I’m getting paid for doing it!

The concept of UNIR1 (You and I are one) is that of a
relationship in any form. Many artists, who play in a band,
have considered it a marriage or family with one another, and
with this demands trust, communication, commitment,
common love for what we do and a solid fundamental plan
that can be put into action. We as artists in this business need
each other in order to fulfill our dreams & passions.
“People who need people are the luckiest people in the
world.” Jule Styne (Composer) 1964

Whether it’s you who supplies the music & I spin it for you or you need a gig and I book it for
you or you need your music sold and I sell it for you. Give/take; push/pull; supply/demand
Any way you look at it, it’s something that we do in any of our relationships. We trust that our
other half has got our back and our best interest with integrity & honor, as well as looking after,
nurturing, teaching and growing with each other for the long haul.

Now that you know a bit more about me and my character, I’m going to share with you a couple of important things about the UNIR1 Network, my plans & a few opinions.

Debbie Flansburg aka Blondiepie
You’ve probably heard the saying, “Behind every good successful man is a great determined woman.” I want to introduce you to the woman who got you here and who has stood behind me, my music and my beliefs; Deborah Flansburg aka Blondiepie. Debbie is head of our marketing department and has found more back doors to the web to virally promote us and other artists that we represent than anyone I know. She is an extremely vital component to UNIR1 and is very good at making long lasting connections with brand new people.  She’s taught me a few things as well!

Debbie & I have worked extremely hard to get to this next phase of the UNIR1 Network.Since June of 2011, we have worked relentlessly day & night networking & promoting new
artists and their music. We have established ourselves with (5) Global Internet Radio stations,
developed a massive down line of over ½ million people and continue to grow every single day.
Our success is because of our listeners and of course our hard efforts, but mostly because of
you the artist and your gifts and fruits that you offer selflessly to them and to us. Well, now it’s
time for all of you to get what you deserve and Debbie & I are going to do our best to give you
just that. The world needs to know and hear you! You deserve it just as much as we do!
My initial plan is to set a milestone in the music business for the Independent Artist! There is
definitely a lot wrong with the current music industry. Unless, you are Justin Bieber with 17
million fans across all of the social network sites in the world, the old way of thinking about
how to get signed and being successful are unfortunately obsolete.

Let’s face it, the Record Companies are broke! They have money invested in artists that have
already signed with them and the artist is about ready to feel one of the worst slaps in the face
by having to pay back the money that was lent to them by the record company. Why do I say
that? It’s because for the past 12 years, I’ve watched brand new acts come to the arena’s and
play with the biggest names in the business only to find that they are broke because of poor CD
sales. This is usually caused by poor promotion and/or poor management! This year, I’ve met
lots of people who are signed with National Record Labels and have shared the stage with
Gretchen Wilson, Taylor Swift, Lady Antebellum, but yet tell me that they have to work a day
job to make ends meet. Some of you have even started an online “kick starter” program to
raise money and help pay for the production of your CD for the record label which really left me
scratching my head.

Oh yeah, don’t forget the distribution! You have to get your music out to the masses! Another
cost that is again imposed on the artist.

Thinking about a tour? You’ll need a good manager, but more importantly a great promoter
and booking agent. A little advertising helps too. It’s again another little bite out of the artist’s

Finally, there is radio play! Back in the day, you would have that 45 or CD in your hand and run
over to your local FM Radio Station and literally beg for your one of your singles to be played by
a DJ. An artist would be lucky if they even got past the doors to get there music played on a
Nationwide Radio Station for air play. Some of you have even paid a DJ to get your music over.

So, why is this happening? It’s because we are in a new revolution of the way that we listen to
and perceive music. It is called the DIGITAL MEDIA AGE!

Your songs are now called “MP3’s”
Your distribution is now called “download”
Your promotions are now called “Social Media”
Your advertising is now called “Viral Marketing”
Your booking is now called “Networking”
And your FM/AM is now called “Global Internet Radio”

I would like to make something perfectly clear here. This is a pretty grim scenario! There are
many success stories out there as you know. However, these are growing a little fewer now a
days and the title “starving musician” seems to be on the rise again.

I also want to make clear that I am not against, nor do I hate record labels. I truly believe in them.  In fact, some of you have already made labels of your own or entertainment companies which I commend you for
because it verifies that you know exactly what I am talking about as you have more than likely
experienced this kind of thing.

I actually want to teach Record Companies and businesses this new approach to Digital Media,
so I can cut the costs down which in turn would negotiate bigger commissions for you, the

MUSIC is truly the universal language of life and love. It is a part of every single person’s life on
this planet. From the time they wake up in the morning, to the time they go to bed. This is a
wonderful opportunity and a vehicle for everyone to get onboard the next stage and phase of
Digital Musical Media and you and your music to become a household name in every living
room across the country and overseas. The way we do business and make money at something
that we love to do really needs to change. There is a lot to be learned here. But, it is extremely
important for all of us to teach others and especially kids about what we do, who we are and
how we got from where we were.
There is a lot that we can accomplish as a team! There is awesome strength in numbers!
We are independent artists and we are strong. We will set milestones in the music industry.
\m/ ._. \m/

There is nothing that we can’t accomplish when U N I R 1

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